Making Technologies Work Together


Skyward Apps is a true partner to organizations that are adopting digital technologies to work smarter and grow faster.

Our software developers, engineers and project architects excel in complex data integrations, custom applications and APIs that make software systems interoperable.

We think beyond the technical details to how applications will be used, by whom, and in what context to ensure their usability and value.


Problems We Solve

Unify software systems to enable business process reengineering

Make work simpler and supply chains more efficient through work order automation

Unlock data to gain visibility into sources of untapped value

Precision Mapping to sustain natural resources and increase food production

Mobile-ize your business to more easily connect your field force and enable real-time decisions

Solve unique problems of singular benefit to your users

The biggest problem with digital transformation


The biggest problem with digital transformation


As every CIO knows, the technical complexities of making applications and data interoperable is a challenge only exceeded by finding the talent qualified to do so.

We founded Skyward Apps as an expert resource for organizations beset by these constraints.

As agile developers, we are a smart choice for organizations and technology providers who need the higher-level skills and requisite experience to add capacity for large-scale technology initiatives.

“They are capable of building most anything. Not siloed in certain industries.”

Skyward Apps Customer

Tech-forward, backward-compatible 

Tech-forward, backward-compatible 

We have worked with organizations of all types to connect standalone systems to new technologies, as replacing mission-critical applications is not always an option.

Our solutions allow you to extract and migrate data from proprietary file formats, hard-coded legacy systems and other applications that do not communicate with today’s technologies. Our approach depends on the priorities driving your decision.

By connecting your software systems using APIs, machine learning, and other technology options, you reduce the likelihood of human error, increase efficiency, and discover the hidden value of the information you already have.

What we do is up to you

You may not be ready to move forward with a full development project. You may not even know what’s involved, or just need help with the Phase 1 heavy lifting. To make this as worry-free as possible, we offer three ways to work with us. Your situation will dictate the best choice, and if you’re still unsure, just ask.

Ready to explore options?