Make Data Transfer Simpler
AgIntegrated (AGI) is a software development company with over a decade of experience in the agriculture technology industry. Its flagship offering is Onsite, a suite of applications and APIs designed to make data accessible from any place or application. AGI and Skyward Apps have partnered on many projects in the AgTech field.
AgIntegrated (AGI) is a software development company with over a decade of experience in the agriculture technology industry. Its flagship offering is Onsite, a suite of applications and APIs designed to make data accessible from any place or application. AGI and Skyward Apps have partnered on many projects in the AgTech field.
AGI had been providing quality data to its customers for some time when it became clear there was a missing piece in its data profile: in-person soil sampling of the fields themselves, not just working with remote planting and yield data. Sampling of physical data is critical in the agtech field. The majority of data is produced through statistical analysis, yield weights, and expenditure analysis. Getting real samples of soil is key to both gauging the value of your metrics, spotting physical problems that statistics won’t find, and building the faith of the growers that an agtech company can understand their land.
AGI had been providing quality data to its customers for some time when it became clear there was a missing piece in its data profile: in-person soil sampling of the fields themselves, not just working with remote planting and yield data. Sampling of physical data is critical in the AgTech field. The majority of data is produced through statistical analysis, yield weights, and expenditure analysis. Getting real samples of soil is key to both gauging the value of your metrics, spotting physical problems that statistics won’t find, and building the faith of growers that an precision agriculture company can understand their land.
AGI had been providing quality data to its customers for some time when it became clear there was a missing piece in its data profile: in-person soil sampling of the fields themselves, not just working with remote planting and yield data. Sampling of physical data is critical in the agtech field. The majority of data is produced through statistical analysis, yield weights, and expenditure analysis. Getting real samples of soil is key to both gauging the value of your metrics, spotting physical problems that statistics won’t find, and building the faith of the growers that an agtech company can understand their land.
Skyward built a mobile soil sampling and scouting application named Rover to add into AGI’s Onsite suite of tools. Rover allows a user to set up soil sampling work orders that are sent to the app in the field. These work orders provide a GIS guide to the fields and locations of samples that need to be collected. Along with these, Rover allows a user to enter other scouting data regarding the location. Each soil sample is tagged with unique identifiers that seamlessly flow to soil analysis labs so data results can populate connected precision agriculture systems. The entire process can be audited from beginning to end.
AGI had been providing quality data to its customers for some time when it became clear there was a missing piece in its data profile: in-person soil sampling of the fields themselves, not just working with remote planting and yield data. Sampling of physical data is critical in the agtech field. The majority of data is produced through statistical analysis, yield weights, and expenditure analysis. Getting real samples of soil is key to both gauging the value of your metrics, spotting physical problems that statistics won’t find, and building the faith of the growers that an agtech company can understand their land.